
Which One Is the World's Most Powerful Passport in 2024?


Jul 24, 2024

The Henley Passport Index has released its rankings for the most powerful passports in the world for 2024. Singapore’s passport has been ranked as the most powerful, allowing visa-free access to 195 destinations. This index, developed by Henley & Partners in collaboration with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), has been tracking passport strength for 19 years across 227 countries and territories.

Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain share the second spot, each offering visa-free access to 192 destinations. The third spot is occupied by South Korea, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, with visa-free access to 191 destinations.

The United Kingdom, along with New Zealand, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, and Switzerland, ranks fourth, with access to 190 destinations. Australia and Portugal are tied for fifth place, with 189 destinations accessible without a visa.

The United States has dropped to eighth place, allowing visa-free travel to 186 destinations. Meanwhile, Afghanistan has the weakest passport, offering visa-free access to only 26 countries, the lowest in the index’s nearly two-decade history.

Top 10 Most Powerful Passports for 2024:

  1. Singapore (195 destinations)
  2. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain (192 destinations)
  3. Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden (191 destinations)
  4. Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom (190 destinations)
  5. Australia, Portugal (189 destinations)
  6. Greece, Poland (188 destinations)
  7. Canada, Czechia, Hungary, Malta (187 destinations)
  8. United States (186 destinations)
  9. Estonia, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates (185 destinations)
  10. Iceland, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia (184 destinations)

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