
Traders Announce Nationwide Protest Against High Electricity Bills on Monday


Jul 1, 2024

The All Pakistan Traders Association has announced a nationwide protest on July 1 against the rising electricity bills. They are demanding that the federal government remove extra taxes on electricity bills by June 30.

Ajmal Baloch, the association’s president, criticized the government’s handling of electricity bills and payments to Independent Power Producers (IPPs). He urged traders and the general public to join the protest.

Baloch emphasized the need to review IPP contracts and address the issue of free electricity provided to WAPDA employees, which he sees as an unfair burden on the public.

The association is also concerned about WAPDA installing allegedly faster electricity meters, which they believe are causing higher bills. Baloch stated that if their demands are not met, the association will announce further actions.

Traders are frustrated with the overall rise in electricity costs, which they say is hurting their businesses and profitability. They believe the government’s current policies are unfair and are putting an unnecessary strain on traders and ordinary citizens.

The planned protest on July 1 aims to show traders’ discontent and push the government to take action. They hope that by coming together, they can persuade the government to reconsider its policies and provide relief from high electricity bills and additional taxes.

This protest highlights the growing frustration among traders and the public over rising costs and perceived government mismanagement. The All Pakistan Traders Association is determined to continue their fight until their demands are addressed and fair solutions are implemented.

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