
Torrential Rains Claim Five Lives in Central and Eastern Europe


Sep 16, 2024

Central and Eastern Europe has been severely impacted by torrential rains, with at least five confirmed fatalities in eastern Romania. The intense storms have unleashed unprecedented rainfall, causing widespread flooding and leaving hundreds stranded.

Key Details:

Fatalities: Emergency services reported the deaths of five individuals in eastern Romania, including three elderly women and one man. The victims were discovered in the counties of Galati and Vaslui, which have been hardest hit by the severe weather.

Rescue Efforts: Teams have been actively working to rescue stranded residents, using small lifeboats and other resources to navigate through the flooded areas. The Department for Emergency Situations has released footage of these rescue operations, showcasing the urgent efforts to reach those in need.

Flood Damage: The most significant damage was reported in Galati, where 5,000 households have been affected. The intense rainfall has led to extensive flooding, with strong winds toppling trees that have damaged vehicles and obstructed roads. A Black Hawk helicopter has been deployed to assist in the search and rescue operations.

Weather Alerts: Authorities issued text message alerts to residents across 19 localities in eight counties, warning them of the severe weather conditions and urging them to take precautions. Emergency services continue to work diligently to remove floodwater from homes and restore normalcy.

The severe weather has placed authorities on high alert as they manage the ongoing crisis and work to mitigate the impact of the flooding.

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