
TikTok Removes 20 Million Videos in Pakistan: Report


Jul 8, 2024

On Monday, TikTok released its Community Guidelines Enforcement Report for the first quarter of 2024. The report shows that TikTok took action against over 20 million videos in Pakistan between January and March 2024 for violating its rules.

Globally, TikTok removed 166,997,307 videos, which is about 0.9% of all videos uploaded. Most of these videos were detected automatically, while some were reinstated after review. The platform also removed 976,479,946 comments and deleted 21,639,414 accounts suspected of belonging to users under 13.

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TikTok uses both advanced technology and human review to enforce its guidelines, aiming to create a safe and inclusive environment. The company plans to continue sharing updates on its efforts to manage content and account safety.

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