
Thieves Steal Entire Mobile Tower in Larkana


Jun 21, 2024

Thieves pulled off a daring heist by stealing an entire mobile phone tower from Bhoonbhutpur village in Naudero, a suburb of Larkana. The tower, owned by a private mobile company, was systematically dismantled and taken away, shocking local authorities and residents.

The theft was carefully planned, with the thieves using tools to dismantle the tower completely, including the iron gate and other equipment associated with it.

Despite the presence of two security guards assigned to protect the tower, a theft case has been filed against them by the company’s General Manager, Sajid Iqbal. The company only became aware of the theft after receiving complaints from customers about disrupted mobile signals. Upon inspection, they discovered the entire tower and its installations were missing.

Local police are now investigating the incident, considering the possibility that the thieves had inside knowledge due to the organized nature of the theft.

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