
The 10 most ‘risky’ cities in the world


Aug 26, 2024

A new study has identified the most perilous cities for travelers in 2024, highlighting destinations in Venezuela, Pakistan, and Myanmar as the highest risk areas. Forbes Advisor’s rankings evaluated 60 global cities across seven risk categories, including crime, personal security, health, infrastructure, natural disasters, and digital security, to determine their overall safety for tourists.

The study awarded Caracas, Venezuela, the highest risk score of 100, making it the most dangerous city for travelers. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against all travel to Venezuela due to a high threat of terrorist attacks affecting UK interests and citizens.

Karachi, Pakistan, ranked as the second most hazardous city due to significant terrorism risks, with a score of 91.67. Meanwhile, Yangon, Myanmar, faced the third-highest risk due to concerns over identity theft, natural disasters, and inadequate healthcare services.

In contrast, Singapore emerged as the safest city for tourists, offering a stark contrast to the high-risk destinations listed.

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