
The 10 most resource-rich countries in the world: some have oil wells, while others have mountains of gold.


Jun 07, 2024

God has endowed the earth with numerous minerals and natural resources for human benefit. Some countries are especially fortunate, possessing significantly more resources than others. Let’s take a look at the top 10 countries with the most natural resources:

  1. Russia

   Russia tops the list with natural resources valued at approximately $75 trillion. Its reserves include coal, oil, natural gas, gold, timber, and rare earth metals. Russia holds the largest proven natural gas reserves and the second-largest gold reserves globally.

  1. USA

   The USA’s natural resources are valued at around $45 trillion, primarily consisting of timber and coal. It has the largest proven coal reserves and significant copper, gold, oil, and natural gas reserves.

  1. Saudi Arabia

   Saudi Arabia’s natural resources are worth $34.4 trillion, predominantly oil. The country has been a major oil exporter since 1938 and holds 15% of the world’s oil reserves.

  1. Canada

   Canada has natural resources estimated at $33.2 trillion, including the third-largest oil reserves. It also possesses industrial minerals like gypsum, limestone, and potash, as well as metals like copper, lead, nickel, and zinc

  1. Iran

   Iran’s natural resources are valued at approximately $27.3 trillion. It is a major producer of oil and natural gas and also has coal, chromium, copper, iron, lead, zinc, and sulfur reserves.

  1. China

   China’s natural resources are worth $23 trillion, with coal and rare earth metals making up 90%. It has the largest hydropower capacity and significant reserves of rice, oil, natural gas, gold, and aluminum.

  1. Brazil

   Brazil’s natural resources are valued at $21.8 trillion, including gold, iron, oil, and uranium. It is a leading producer of bauxite, platinum, copper, gold, iron, and tin.

  1. Australia

   Australia’s resources are estimated at $19.9 trillion, with coal, timber, copper, iron, gold, and uranium. It is a major producer of oil and liquefied natural gas and holds 29% of the world’s coal exports.

  1. Iraq

   Iraq’s natural resources are valued at $15.9 trillion, including petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, and sulfur. It ranks as the second-largest crude oil producer in OPEC.

  1. Venezuela

   Venezuela’s resources are worth $14.3 trillion, including iron, natural gas, and oil. It holds the world’s largest proven oil reserves and significant natural gas, gold, bauxite, hydropower, and diamond reserves.

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