
Study Finds Hackers Can Guess Nearly Half of All Passwords in Less Than a Minute


Jun 26, 2024

A new study by cybersecurity company Kaspersky raises concerns about weak passwords.

Researchers examined nearly 200 million passwords and discovered alarming findings: almost half (45%, or 87 million passwords) could be cracked by hackers in less than a minute. Even more concerning, only 23% (about 44 million) were strong enough to resist hacking attempts for over a year.

To enhance your online security, Kaspersky advises using a unique password for each service you use. This strategy helps safeguard your other accounts if one is compromised.

Kaspersky warns against using passwords that can be easily guessed from personal information like birthdays, family names, pets, or your own name. These are often the first targets for attackers. While it can be challenging to remember long and unique passwords for all your accounts, using a password manager can help by requiring you to remember only one master password.

In 2023, Kaspersky reported more than 32 million attempts to steal passwords, underscoring the importance of good online habits and regularly updating passwords.

Furthermore, Kaspersky’s analysis of passwords revealed a troubling trend: a majority (57%) consisted of common dictionary words, making them vulnerable to hacking techniques that exploit predictable patterns.

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