
Software Engineer Earning Rs 30 Lakh Annually Prefers Train Travel Over Flights – Here’s Why


Aug 22, 2024

MUMBAI: In a surprising revelation that has captured public interest, a software engineer with an annual income of Rs 30 lakh has shared his preference for train travel over flying, attributing his choice to personal reasons tied to his early career experiences.

The story, brought to light by X user Chirag Deshmukh, details an encounter with the software developer during a train journey. Deshmukh, intrigued by the developer’s choice of transportation despite his high earnings, asked, “With your substantial income, why opt for the train rather than flying?”

The developer explained that his decision is deeply influenced by his formative years when travel by train was a necessity due to financial constraints. For him, train journeys evoke a sense of nostalgia and connection to his past struggles, making them more meaningful compared to the convenience of flying.

This personal anecdote has resonated widely, highlighting how financial success doesn’t always dictate lifestyle choices and how past experiences can continue to shape our preferences.

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