
Sindh Eliminates 60-Day Deadline for Vehicle Registration


Jun 25, 2024

The Sindh government is changing the car registration law to improve traffic safety. The new rule will eliminate the current 60-day period allowed for car registration after purchase. Instead, all vehicles must be registered before leaving the dealership or entering the country, according to Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon.

This change aims to stop the misuse of ‘Applied For’ number plates, which has allowed unregistered vehicles to be driven legally during the registration period.

Imported cars arriving at Karachi’s seaport must be registered immediately if they will stay in Sindh. Cars going to other provinces cannot be driven on Sindh roads until registered and must be transported by carriers.

The government plans to introduce strict penalties for non-compliance, including a fine of Rs. 1 million. This is part of a larger effort to improve vehicle tracking and ensure all cars on Sindh’s roads meet regulatory standards.

The revised Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1965 is expected to be submitted at the next cabinet meeting and is likely to pass with strong support. This change shows the Sindh government’s commitment to safer and more regulated traffic conditions.

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