
Punjab Police Ban Social Media Use for On-Duty Officers


Sep 12, 2024

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has instituted a strict ban on social media usage for police officers while on duty. This ban covers popular platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

The move comes in response to recent incidents where videos of Punjab police officers, including female personnel, went viral on social media. To enforce this directive, the Inspector General (IG) of Punjab Police has issued a new social media policy with firm consequences for officers who violate the rules by posting videos while in uniform.

The Assistant Inspector General (AIG) Operations has detailed the policy, which mandates that any social media activity by police officers must be approved by the District Police Officer (DPO) or the relevant unit head. Personal, political, or religious expressions on social media are now prohibited for police personnel, and all official communications must be channeled through authorized platforms managed by the DPO or unit head.

The policy also forbids the use of police vehicles or facilities for social media content creation by private citizens. Regional Police Officers (RPOs) and unit heads are responsible for enforcing these guidelines and ensuring compliance within their areas of jurisdiction.

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