
Punjab Makes Kite Flying a Non-Bailable Crime


Aug 23, 2024

The Punjab Cabinet has approved significant amendments to the Kite Flying (Prohibition) Act of 2007, as announced by a spokesperson from the Punjab Home Department. Under these new amendments, kite flying, kite-making, and the transportation of kites and related materials, such as metallic string and twine, have been reclassified as non-bailable offenses.

Offenders could face imprisonment ranging from three to five years, a fine of up to PKR 2 million, or both. If the imposed fine is not paid, an additional year of imprisonment may be added.

The penalties for those involved in kite manufacturing or transportation are even more severe. Convictions can lead to imprisonment for five to seven years or a fine of up to PKR 5 million, with an extra two years in prison for non-payment of the fine.

For minors caught kite flying, the new regulations stipulate a warning for the first offense. A second violation will result in a fine of PKR 50,000, while a third infraction will incur a fine of PKR 100,000.

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