
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Vows to Finish Terrorism in Balochistan


Aug 31, 2024

Pakistan, Aug. 30, 2024 — In a recent cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif delivered a decisive and resolute address regarding the situation in Balochistan, underscoring the government’s unwavering stance against terrorism and its commitment to regional development.

Key Highlights of the Prime Minister’s Address:

1. Firm Condemnation of Terrorism:

– Prime Minister Sharif condemned the ongoing efforts by terrorists and foreign elements to incite discord and hatred in Balochistan. He emphasized that there would be no tolerance for those sowing seeds of violence, and assured that perpetrators would face severe consequences.

2. No Dialogue with Terrorists:

– The Prime Minister made it clear that there would be no negotiations with terrorists, highlighting that their actions are supported by external sources which exacerbate the region’s challenges. He described the current terrorism as among the most grievous, warranting the strongest condemnation.

3. Acknowledgment of Recent Challenges:

– Sharif pointed out that on August 26, an attempt was made to ignite a separatist movement in Balochistan, reflecting the ongoing challenges faced by the province.

4. Tribute to Martyrs:

– The Prime Minister honored the families of the martyrs for their resilience and sacrifices, which have been instrumental in Pakistan’s fight against terrorism.

5. Support for the Armed Forces:

– He praised the Pakistan Army for its relentless efforts in combating terrorism and reaffirmed the full support of both the federal and Balochistan governments. He assured that the federal government would provide all necessary assistance to support the province’s development and security initiatives.

6. Commitment to Peace and Development:

– Sharif emphasized the importance of Balochistan’s progress and the desire of patriotic citizens to see the region flourish. He warned that terrorism aims to disrupt the strong friendship between Pakistan and China, and affirmed that those threatening national unity and security would be made an example of.

Prime Minister Sharif’s address reflects the government’s commitment to addressing terrorism with a firm hand and ensuring the development and security of Balochistan. The Prime Minister’s strong statements underscore the ongoing efforts to restore peace and support the province’s growth and stability.

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