
Pakistanis Granted Visa-Free Travel to European Country


April 15, 2024

Pakistan and Georgia recently agreed that Pakistani citizens can visit Georgia without needing a visa. This is a big step forward in their relationship and brings many benefits for both countries. The agreement covers people with diplomatic and official/service passports, showing a commitment to getting closer and boosting tourism and business.

For Pakistanis, this means they can explore Georgia’s diverse and culturally rich land. Georgia sits between Europe and Asia and has a fascinating history, beautiful natural views, and friendly people. From the busy capital, Tbilisi, to peaceful countryside with old forts and hot springs, Georgia has lots to offer tourists. The Caucasus Mountains are great for outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. And don’t forget the tasty food and rich culture!

This agreement also helps Georgia. More Pakistani visitors mean more money for its tourism industry and a stronger economy. Plus, it builds stronger connections between people from both countries, promoting understanding and cooperation.

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