
Pakistani Delivery Rider in UAE Saves Kitten from Busy Road


Jun 20, 2024

A quick-thinking delivery rider recently saved a stray kitten hiding under a car in the middle of a busy street. Zubair Anwar Muhammad Anwar, from Gujranwala, Pakistan, was making deliveries during the Eid Al Adha holiday when he saw the kitten while waiting at a red light.

Seeing the kitten in danger, Anwar didn’t hesitate. He checked his surroundings to ensure it was safe, then quickly picked up the kitten and moved it to the side of the road where it would be safe. He did all this without knowing someone was filming him.

The video of Anwar’s kind act soon went viral on social media. Anwar expressed his happiness about saving the kitten and mentioned that he knows street cats often seek shade under cars, especially in hot weather. He was glad he could help. His quick thinking and compassion not only saved the kitten but also touched many hearts online.

This incident highlights the importance of being vigilant and kind, especially towards animals. Anwar’s actions show how a simple act of kindness can make a big difference.

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