
Pakistan Imports Tea Valued at More Than Rs.150 Billion in 10 Months


May 20, 2024

According to a report released by the Pakistan Statistical Institute on Saturday, Pakistanis have spent over 150 billion rupees on tea imports during the first 10 months of this fiscal year. This signifies a notable surge in tea expenditure, with the report indicating a 17 percent increase in tea imports compared to the same period last fiscal year.

In total, 219,066 tons of tea were imported during this timeframe, marking a 15 percent rise from the 190,830 tons imported in the first 10 months of the previous financial year. However, the report also highlights a 10 percent decline in tea imports in April 2024 compared to March 2024.

This rise in tea imports mirrors the strong demand for tea in Pakistan, reflecting its popularity as a beverage with steadily increasing consumption. While overall imports have risen over the past year, the drop in April’s imports may be attributed to factors like price fluctuations, shifts in consumption patterns, or changes in import regulations.

The significant expenditure on tea imports underscores its integral role in the daily lives of Pakistanis. The increase in imported quantities suggests a higher consumption rate or increased frequency of tea consumption among the populace. However, the decline in April’s imports could indicate a temporary decrease in demand or issues within the supply chain.

The report from the Pakistan Statistical Institute offers detailed insights into the country’s tea import trends, showcasing both the growth in demand over the past year and the month-to-month fluctuations. Such information is valuable for understanding consumer behavior and the economic ramifications of tea imports on Pakistan’s economy.

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