
OpenAI Questions New York Times on Article Originality


Jul 9, 2024

In December 2023, The New York Times sued OpenAI, accusing the AI company of using its articles without permission to train ChatGPT.

In response, OpenAI has asked The New York Times to prove that their content is original by providing reporter’s notes and other documents. This request has led to controversy.

The New York Times called OpenAI’s demand for extensive documents harassment. They argue that it’s excessive and not allowed under U.S. legal rules, intended to intimidate and burden the newspaper.

The Center for Investigative Reporting has also sued OpenAI, claiming the AI company used their content without permission. This adds to the legal pressure on OpenAI, as more media outlets are concerned about their content being used without authorization.

These lawsuits highlight the conflict between traditional media and AI companies over the use of content and intellectual property rights.

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