
Only 1 in 10 Pakistanis Believe the Country is on the Right Track


Aug 31, 2024

A new Ipsos Consumer Confidence Index Survey reveals a sobering outlook among Pakistanis, with only 1 in 10 believing the country is headed in the right direction. Rural residents exhibit slightly more optimism compared to their urban counterparts.

When asked if the country is moving in the right direction, just 11% of respondents agreed, while a substantial 89% felt things are off track.

Economic issues remain at the forefront of public concern. Despite some signs of improvement, rising electricity prices and increasing taxes have become major sources of worry. The survey highlights inflation, unemployment, and soaring energy costs as the top three concerns.

Since early 2024, while the overall anxiety about economic challenges has eased to a two-year low, worries about electricity prices and taxes have intensified. In fact, concerns over taxes have reached a four-year high.

Despite these challenges, only 13% of Pakistanis view the country’s economic condition as strong. On a more positive note, confidence in job security has improved significantly since September 2023, reaching its highest level in three years by Q3 2024. Currently, 60% of Pakistanis feel secure in their jobs, reflecting a steady rise since late 2021.

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