
New Study Reveals Earth Wasn't Entirely Submerged in Water


Jun 12, 2024

Scientists say fresh water appeared on Earth 500 million years earlier than previously thought.

New research found that fresh water appeared on Earth about four billion years ago, according to

By studying ancient crystals, scientists traced the origins of the hydrological cycle, the continuous process of water movement on Earth, which is crucial for ecosystems and life.

Lead author Dr. Hamed Gamaleldien explained that by examining tiny crystals in the mineral zircon, they detected light isotopes dating back four billion years. These isotopes typically form when hot, fresh water alters rocks deep below the Earth’s surface.

This discovery challenges the old idea that Earth was completely covered by water billions of years ago.

Study co-author Dr. Hugo Olierook from Curtin University’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences emphasized that this finding is crucial for understanding Earth’s formation and the emergence of life. He said it suggests landmasses and fresh water provided conditions for life to develop less than 600 million years after the planet formed.

The study was published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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