Most federal ministries have ignored Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s directive to adopt E-Office, which could potentially save the government Rs.1 billion annually.
According to sources, senior officials in major ministries are hesitant to transition from paper-based filing to E-Office.
The Prime Minister had instructed 40 federal ministries to switch to E-Office in April 2024, but this hasn’t been implemented yet.
Out of these ministries, E-Office is being utilized at 80 percent in 15, including the Federal Education division, Information Technology and Telecom, Information and Broadcasting, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Four federal divisions have a 70 percent E-Office utilization rate.
However, 19 ministries, including Finance, Energy, and Law and Justice, are reluctant to use E-Office for unspecified reasons.
The E-Office project was initiated by the federal government in 2015, with the National Information and Technology Board (NITB) purchasing machinery and other equipment worth Rs. 1.2 billion, which were later installed in federal ministries.