
Meta to Start Labelling AI Generated Content from May


April 8, 2024

Meta recently announced a new plan to deal with deepfakes, which are fake videos made with artificial intelligence. Instead of just deleting them, Meta will now label them and give some background information. This change is a big deal because it shows a shift in how social media companies handle fake videos.

This decision comes as many people worry about the dangers of deepfakes, especially during important times like elections. Meta understands it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake online.

Also, the White House has asked companies to put watermarks on AI-made videos. This shows that both big tech companies like Meta and governments are working together to solve this problem.

Meta is working on tools to find fake videos and plans to put watermarks on pictures made with its AI. This shows they’re being proactive in stopping fake content on their platforms.

Meta wants users to be careful and check if a video is real or fake. They suggest looking at who posted it and if it looks strange. This shows they’re trying to give users the tools to spot fake videos.

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