
Major Ransomware Attack Targets Global Card Processing Firm in Pakistan


Jul 9, 2024

TPS Worldwide, a company that handles card processing for banks, telecoms, and financial institutions, was hit by a major ransomware attack late last night.

Although details are still emerging, the attack affected TPS’s network, but the company managed to control it without any financial loss.

TPS, founded in 1996, provides various services including card processing and payment gateways. The attack highlights the need for strong security measures in financial institutions, which are prime targets for cyberattacks.

It’s too early to identify the attack’s source or details, but an investigation is likely in progress. TPS is expected to release a statement soon.

1Link, which uses TPS for payments, confirmed that no customer data was compromised because TPS does not host any customer data. The issue was limited to TPS’s internal servers.

TPS has advised its partners to check for the latest updates and be extra cautious. ProPakistani has not yet received a statement from TPS but will provide updates as more information becomes available.

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