
Lahore Enforces Ban on Children Sitting in Rickshaw Driver Seats Amid Overloading Crackdown


Sep 14, 2024

LAHORE: The Traffic Police of Lahore has implemented a ban on children occupying the driver’s seat of rickshaws as part of a new crackdown on overloading in school transport.

Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Amara Athar has issued strict orders to prohibit the hazardous practice of children riding alongside rickshaw drivers and to prevent the hanging of school bags or other items on the sides of rickshaws. This move aims to improve safety and address overloading issues affecting school vans, rickshaws, and buses.

To enforce these regulations, the traffic police have deployed 251 wardens outside various educational institutions across the city. However, there are reports that these wardens are only stationed at a limited number of schools, leaving many others unmonitored. Consequently, several overloaded school vehicles continue to flout the new rules.

Citizens have expressed frustration over the perceived lax enforcement, noting that this may lead to an increase in accidents. CTO Athar emphasized the importance of parental vigilance, urging parents to actively identify unsafe transport options and assist the police in enforcing the regulations. “Parents should keep a special eye on it,” she said, stressing that future generations should not be exposed to unsafe transportation practices.

The public’s concerns highlight the need for more consistent enforcement to ensure the safety of students and prevent potential accidents. Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s transport arrangements closely and not rely solely on the enforcement efforts of traffic authorities.

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