
Karachi Police Arrest High-Tech Gang Involved in Motorcycle Theft and Fraud


Jul 4, 2024

On Tuesday, police in Gulbahar Colony (Golimar) arrested a tech-savvy gang involved in stealing motorcycles, forging documents, and selling them online to avoid detection.

SSP Central Zeeshan Siddiqui explained that the gang used a three-step process to make money illegally. First, they obtained real documents for motorcycles. Then, they created fake documents for stolen bikes, making them look legal. Finally, they sold the stolen bikes with altered engine and chassis numbers on various online platforms, deceiving buyers.

The gang operated across many parts of Karachi. The arrested members, Bilawal, Shah Rukh, and Rizwan, admitted to tampering with and selling numerous stolen motorcycles.

During the operation, police recovered eight stolen motorcycles and five chassis. Each gang member had a specific role: Rizwan forged documents and sold the bikes online, Bilawal stole the bikes, and Shah Rukh altered engine and chassis numbers, charging Rs. 3,000 for each alteration.

With the gang in custody, legal proceedings have started. SSP Siddiqui said this operation is a major step in tackling motorcycle theft and fraud in Karachi.

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