
Karachi Bans Drone Cameras Amid Security Concerns


April 1, 2024

Due to worries about safety, officials in Karachi have banned the use of drones in the area for two months. They’re concerned about possible dangers to the Chinese embassy and its staff from militant groups and unfriendly organizations.

This decision follows previous attacks on Chinese interests in the region, such as the attack on the Chinese consulate in 2018 and a bombing near Karachi University in 2022, which killed Chinese scholars.

With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) being so important, Pakistan wants to make sure Chinese people working on big projects are safe. Recent events, like a bombing that killed five Chinese workers and a local driver, have shown the need for better security.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and other leaders went to the Chinese embassy to express sympathy and promise to protect Chinese citizens. They’re determined to investigate the attack thoroughly.

A notice from the commissioner of Karachi has banned drones in District South Karachi to avoid accidents and keep order during this tense time.

Chinese contractors, worried about safety after the attack, have stopped work on two big dam projects in Pakistan. They want better security before they start again, showing how important it is to address these safety threats to foreign workers and investments.

To help with investigations and improve security, a group of Chinese experts has come to Pakistan to work with local authorities.

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