
Here’s How Much Petrol Prices Are Expected to Rise Starting 1st July


Jul 1, 2024

Starting tomorrow, July 1, 2024, fuel prices are set to rise significantly. Experts suggest that prices could increase by up to Rs 9.84 per litre in the first half of the month.

Petrol prices might go up by about Rs 7.54 per litre. High-speed diesel (HSD) could rise by Rs 9.84 per litre. Light diesel oil (LDO) is expected to increase by Rs 8.73 per litre, and kerosene oil may go up by Rs 7.70 per litre.

If these changes are approved, consumers could pay Rs 265.70 per litre for petrol, Rs 277.73 per litre for HSD, Rs 179.51 per litre for kerosene oil, and Rs 164.85 per litre for LDO. These estimates do not include any changes in the exchange rate.

Additionally, if the government raises the petroleum levy (PL) by Rs 5 per litre, petrol prices could jump by Rs 12.54 per litre, and diesel could increase by Rs 14.84 per litre starting next month.

These price hikes are expected to have a significant impact on consumers and contribute to inflation in the country.

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