
Govt Seeks $250 M Extra Investment From World bank


March 15, 2024

The World Bank has announced that the government wants to invest more in the Crisis Resilient Social Protection (CRISP) program and boost the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). They’re adding $250 million to keep improving these systems, making them better at helping people during crises.

In a report, the bank talked about this extra money and how it’ll help. The government has suggested some big changes to keep making CRISP better. The focus will stay on helping people in need, especially in rural areas where poverty is still a big issue.

The extra funds will go towards improving BISP programs and making sure they reach everyone who needs help. They’ll also work on fixing any gaps in the system so that no one gets left out. The goal is to make sure these support programs keep working well, even as things change.

The report also mentions that BISP is doing a good job at reaching out to different groups of people, like indigenous communities, and they’re working on ways to handle waste better too. Overall, it’s about making sure these programs keep helping people and keep getting better at it.

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