
Government Poised to Slash Petrol and Diesel Prices This Week


Aug 13, 2024

Get ready for a significant drop in petrol and diesel prices this week, thanks to a recent fall in international oil rates.

On August 15, 2024, the federal government is expected to lower petrol prices by Rs. 8.5-9.3 per liter and diesel prices by Rs. 9 per liter. This anticipated decrease comes as global oil prices have dropped in the last two weeks to $91 per barrel for high-speed diesel, $84 for petrol, and $82 for crude oil. The Pakistani rupee has held steady at 278 during this period.

Given these changes, diesel prices in Pakistan are likely to fall to about Rs. 263.7 per liter, while petrol prices could drop to around Rs. 260-261 per liter.

Just two weeks ago, the government had already reduced petrol prices by Rs. 6.17, bringing it down to Rs. 269.43 per liter. Diesel prices were also cut by Rs. 10.86, reducing the cost to Rs. 272.77 per liter.

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