
Government Plans to Sell PIA to Highest Bidder Before Signing New IMF Deal.


March 27, 2024

The government is gearing up to sell off Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) before striking a new deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to insiders at the Privatization Commission.

They confirmed that selling PIA is a top priority and must meet all the rules set by the IMF.

It’s a necessary step before seeking a larger loan from the IMF. They’re aiming to have everything in place by June, with the sale potentially wrapping up by July 2024.

PIA is drowning in debts, with a staggering Rs. 700 billion owed, a big chunk of it to banks. And it’s not alone; about 350 other government bodies, like the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and Pakistan State Oil (PSO), are also in dire financial straits.

It’s a tough decision, but the government sees it as a crucial move to get the country’s finances back on track.

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