
Government Introduces Rs. 4 Billion Scholarship Initiative for Talented Underprivileged Students


May 22, 2024

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the Ministry of Education has initiated a scholarship program worth Rs4 billion to assist talented but financially needy students across Pakistan.

Furthermore, to uplift the education standards in Islamabad, the Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training (MFEPT) has earmarked Rs8.5 billion for the enhancement of educational facilities in both rural and urban areas. The project titled “Provision of Basic Educational Facilities in Educational Institutions of ICT” aims to conclude by June 30, 2025.

Mohyudin Wani, the Secretary of MFEPT, outlined that the ministry’s total Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) portfolio amounts to Rs8.5 billion, with Rs5.4 billion designated for basic education and Rs3.1 billion for technical education. Additionally, a Pakistan Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) of Rs4 billion has been established to support underprivileged students, with Rs800 million specifically allocated for Balochistan.

Mohyudin Wani, the Secretary of MFEPT, outlined that the ministry’s total Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) portfolio amounts to Rs8.5 billion, with Rs5.4 billion designated for basic education and Rs3.1 billion for technical education. Additionally, a Pakistan Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) of Rs4 billion has been established to support underprivileged students, with Rs800 million specifically allocated for Balochistan.

Moreover, the ministry is implementing the World Bank-funded “Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Programme (ASPIRE)” from July 2020 to June 2025. ASPIRE focuses on enhancing education in disadvantaged districts through federal-provincial performance-based grants.

Key interventions under ASPIRE in Islamabad include:

  1. Establishment of IT labs in 50 secondary boys’ schools in rural areas to prepare students for higher education and careers in technology.
  1. Creation of 140 smart classrooms in public schools to enhance multimodal learning through technology and digital content.
  1. Launch of the eTaleem Portal and TeleSchool Application to facilitate learning for students and teachers.
  1. Provision of high-quality educational content through the TeleSchool Web Portal via OTT channels and a broadcast content library.
  1. Distribution of textbooks and Accelerated Learning Program resources to non-formal education centers, with a particular focus on supporting girls’ education. To date, 528,647 books have been printed.
  1. Distribution of hygiene kits to 20 public schools in rural areas as part of the Government’s Hygiene Initiative.

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