
Google to Provide Education for 26 Million Out-of-School Pakistani Students


Jun 21, 2024

Google for Education and Pakistan’s Ministry of Federal Education have announced a strategic partnership aimed at bringing digital innovation to millions of students across the country.

The collaboration aims to enhance access to education and foster a digital learning ecosystem for Pakistan’s vast student population. Key initiatives of this partnership include:

  • Local assembly of over 500,000 Chromebooks by 2026.
  • Provision of digital tools and resources for students and educators.
  • Training programs for teachers on effective classroom technology integration.
  • Development and implementation of innovative learning programs leveraging technology.

The primary focus of this collaboration is to assist out-of-school children in Pakistan. Recently, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared an “education emergency” in response to over 26 million children being out of school. He committed to a national initiative to enroll these children back into educational institutions, seeking support from provincial governments to achieve this goal.

As part of the partnership, allied, an Australian manufacturer of Google Chromebooks, will establish an assembly line in Pakistan to locally produce these devices, aiming to make them more accessible for educational purposes. The objective is to ensure that every student in Pakistan can benefit from advanced classroom technology, thereby enriching their learning experiences.

Ultimately, Google’s collaboration with the Ministry of Federal Education seeks to drive significant digital transformation within Pakistan’s education system, promoting smart classrooms and cultivating a robust learning environment. Both partners are committed to

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