
Girl Sent Home from School Over ‘Distracting’ Hair


Sep 7, 2024

Evie Smith, a 10-year-old student, has been excluded from Kincraig Primary School in Blackpool, Lancashire, after her split-dyed hair was deemed “distracting” by teachers. Inspired by her favorite singer, Melanie Martinez, Evie’s distinctive blonde and black hairstyle led to her removal from school.

Evie’s mother, April Smith, has decided not to dye Evie’s hair back to its natural color until after attending a Melanie Martinez concert in Manchester later this month. The school has stated that Evie can return to class if she reverts her hair to its previous color, but April is resisting this demand.

April argues that the school’s uniform policy is excessively rigid and that Evie, who is a high-achieving student with no previous disciplinary issues, should be allowed to express herself through her hairstyle.

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