
FBR Announces New Monthly Tax for Small Shopkeepers and Retailers in 42 Cities


Jul 24, 2024

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has introduced a new monthly tax for small shopkeepers and retailers in 42 cities. The tax amounts range from Rs. 100 to over Rs. 20,000, depending on the location of the shop.

The FBR has issued an update, S.R.O. 1064 (I)/2024, to amend the Tajir Dost Special Procedure, 2024. This scheme will apply to various cities including Abbottabad, Karachi, Lahore, and Quetta, among others.

Under the new rules, shop owners in commercial areas with shops up to 50 square feet, or those with makeshift shops, kiosks, or very small shops (5×3 feet), will pay a fixed annual tax of Rs. 1,200.

The tax applies to various types of shopkeepers, including wholesalers, dealers, retailers, and manufacturers who also sell goods directly.

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