
Famous Drama Writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar Abducted and Robbed in Lahore


Jul 22, 2024

Renowned screenwriter and playwright Khalilur Rehman Qamar was recently abducted and tortured by unknown assailants in Lahore. Known for his popular TV dramas like “Pyarey Afzal” and “Sadqay Tumhare,” Qamar was reportedly taken from his home in the Defence area.

The attackers physically and mentally tortured him, accusing him of writing against a certain group in his latest play and threatening him to stop. After the ordeal, they dropped him back at his home in a distressed condition. His family and colleagues have confirmed the incident, and a police report has been filed.

Qamar has been receiving threats related to his writing for some time, raising concerns about the safety and freedom of artists in Pakistan. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for better protection for writers and artists. Supporters are urging authorities to act quickly to bring the attackers to justice and ensure such events don’t recur.

This situation highlights the risks faced by those who challenge societal norms and discuss sensitive issues. The creative community is rallying around Qamar, advocating for a safer environment for artists to express themselves freely. His courage in the face of threats serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom of expression in Pakistan.

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