
Exciting News! Pakistan Oilfields Strikes Oil and Gas at Razgir-1 Well in Kohat!


Jul 31, 2024

Exciting news from Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL)! They’ve made a major oil and gas discovery at the Razgir-1 exploratory well in Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Drilled to a depth of 3,950 meters, the well has tested at 20 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) of gas and 250 barrels of condensate per day, indicating a significant find with great potential for commercial production.

This discovery is a big win for Pakistan’s energy sector, as it could boost the country’s hydrocarbon supply and reduce reliance on imported fuels. The project is a collaboration within the TAL Joint Venture, featuring key partners like Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), MOL Pakistan, Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL), and Government Holdings Private Limited (GHPL). This partnership highlights a strong commitment to exploring and developing Pakistan’s natural resources, offering a hopeful step towards energy security and sustainability for the nation.

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