
European Union Makes Decision Regarding Restoration of PIA Flight


Jun 03, 2024

The European Union (EU) has decided to uphold restrictions on Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and other Pakistani airlines due to safety concerns identified during recent evaluations.

Following a thorough evaluation by the EU Air Safety Committee, it was determined that the current ban on air carriers certified by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) will remain in place.

An on-site review conducted from November 27 to 30, 2023, highlighted significant safety oversight issues within the PCAA. In response, the PCAA presented a corrective action plan on May 6, 2024, detailing measures to address the identified deficiencies. This plan was discussed during a May hearing with the EU safety committee.

The EU Air Safety Committee has opted to closely monitor Pakistan’s safety situation through regular technical meetings in Brussels, including progress reports from the PCAA. The committee stated its intention to summon the PCAA to future hearings if necessary.

In its report, the EU committee concluded that there are no grounds to amend the list of Pakistani air carriers banned from operating within the EU region. The report emphasized the importance of EU member states prioritizing inspections of Pakistani aircraft to ensure compliance with international safety standards.

The aviation industry views the EU’s decision as a setback for PIA’s operations in Europe.

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