
Cyber Attack Hits Islamabad Safe City and Police Records


Sep 7, 2024

Islamabad Police have been targeted by a series of cyber attacks affecting their Safe City project and internal records, prompting an urgent response to enhance cybersecurity measures.

Sources within the police department revealed that there have been six recent cyber attacks on their digital systems, resulting in unauthorized access to critical records. The full scope of the data breach is still under investigation, but immediate security measures have been taken.

The attackers managed to obtain passcodes for the Safe City and police websites, though these credentials have since been changed to secure the systems.

In response to these breaches, Islamabad Police are taking significant steps to strengthen their cybersecurity. They plan to recruit 49 specialized cyber experts to be stationed within the Safe City project. These experts will receive advanced training to better safeguard the department’s digital assets and counter future threats.

This move underscores the growing need for robust cybersecurity in law enforcement, as cybercriminals increasingly target essential infrastructure.

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