
Crypto Scam App Netted Over $5 Million Before Google Took Action, Lawsuit Alleges


Aug 19, 2024

Florida resident Maria Vaca has filed a lawsuit against Google seeking $5 million in damages, accusing the tech giant of failing to promptly remove a fraudulent app from the Google Play Store. Vaca alleges that she lost over $5 million due to the scam app, Yobit Pro, which was purportedly stealing money from users.

According to Vaca, she invested $4.6 million into Yobit Pro, a cryptocurrency app that initially appeared legitimate. Her balance grew to $7 million, but when she tried to withdraw her funds, the app demanded $500,000 in “taxes.” After paying this amount, Yobit Pro then requested an additional $2 million to process the withdrawal. At this point, Vaca became suspicious.

When she refused to pay the extra amount, Vaca claims she was threatened with violence by the scammers if she didn’t comply. Concerned for her safety, she reported the situation to law enforcement and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which forwarded her complaint to Google.

Vaca had chosen to use Yobit Pro under the assumption that Google’s Play Store maintained stringent standards against scam apps. Her lawsuit argues that Google’s delay in removing the fraudulent app contributed to her financial losses.

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