
Countries are sustained by taxes, not by charity: Finance Minister Aurangzeb


Jun 20, 2024

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb extended warm Eid greetings to the nation and visited Kamalia, where he met with local farmers and businessmen to discuss the region’s progress and issues. During his visit, he stressed the significance of taxes for a country’s prosperity over charity.

Aurangzeb praised Kamalia for its positive agricultural and industrial growth, highlighting promising developments in the area. He reiterated the principles from his budget speech, emphasizing that while charity supports schools, universities, and hospitals, taxes are crucial for funding public services and infrastructure essential for sustained economic growth.

The Finance Minister also addressed the nation’s economic status, noting improvements and emphasizing the need for a balanced economic system to sustain growth. He underscored the importance of a fair tax system to provide the government with resources for investing in critical sectors like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

In discussions with Kamalia’s farmers and businessmen, Aurangzeb listened to their concerns and outlined government plans to address challenges. He assured them of the government’s commitment to creating a supportive environment for agriculture and industry, recognizing their vital roles in the economy.

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