
China Reveals World's First Intelligent Robotic Whale Shark


Sep 3, 2024

Shenyang Aerospace Xinguang Group, a Chinese firm, has unveiled the world’s first intelligent robotic whale shark. This pioneering bionic fish measures 16 feet in length and is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including cameras, sensors, and sonar systems. Designed to replicate the movements of a real whale shark with remarkable precision, it offers a new level of realism in robotic engineering.

A video released in early August demonstrates the robotic whale shark swimming smoothly, mirroring the behavior of its natural counterpart. Scientists see this advancement as a significant breakthrough in marine exploration, potentially allowing for more detailed studies of underwater environments without disrupting marine life.

Beyond being a technological marvel, this robotic creation represents a glimpse into the future of lifelike machines operating in the ocean. Researchers are enthusiastic about the new opportunities it presents for studying marine ecosystems and delving into the depths of the sea in ways previously unattainable.

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