
CAA blacklisted contractor for three years


April 2, 2024

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) decided to ban a private company from getting contracts because they didn’t meet the standards.

After hearing about the bad work done by this company in different CAA projects, the Director General of CAA agreed and stopped the company from getting any CAA contracts for three years.

It’s important to mention that three countries from the Gulf, like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, want to buy Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) because it’s not doing well financially. They have talked to the Pakistan government about buying PIA.

Pakistan has also told officials from these three countries about PIA.

People say that after the plan to privatize PIA is finished, it will be sold to the person who offers the most money.

The day before, the federal cabinet agreed on an 11-person Board of Directors (BoD) for the PIA holding company to move forward with the privatization of PIA.

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