
BJP Files Lawsuit Against Popular YouTuber Dhruv Rathee


Jul 26, 2024

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has filed a case against popular YouTuber Dhruv Rathee, summoning him to a court in Delhi. The case is related to videos Rathee posted during the election period that were critical of the party.

BJP spokesperson Suresh Karmasheel Nakhwa filed a defamation suit, claiming Rathee used inappropriate language and might incite violence. The complaint also accuses Rathee of unfairly criticizing the media during the election.

This legal action follows a separate case filed against Rathee by Maharashtra police earlier this month. Rathee’s videos allegedly exposed corruption and irregularities within the BJP during the election.

Some Indian journalists worry that these actions against Rathee and other content creators could be attempts to limit freedom of expression. Last month, the Indian government also imposed restrictions on social media, which some see as a threat to free speech.

Reports suggest that the government is putting pressure on both local and international journalists in various ways.

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