
Australian Scientists Develop Super Flies to Tackle Trash and Help the Planet


Jul 26, 2024

A team of scientists at Macquarie University in Sydney is developing genetically modified black soldier flies to tackle waste more effectively. These enhanced flies can consume a wider variety of organic waste, helping reduce landfill methane and produce useful by-products like biofuels and animal feed.

Led by Dr. Kate Tepper, the project aims to address the growing waste problem and climate change. Black soldier flies are already known for their waste-eating capabilities, but with genetic tweaks, they could become even more efficient.

Dr. Maciej Maselko, head of the animal synthetic biology lab, points out that these flies are found worldwide and can eat double their body weight daily. The team plans to launch their technology commercially through their company, EntoZyme, by the end of the year. The new flies might also help break down pollutants and convert them into safer substances or fertilizer.

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