
Ancient Istanbul Church Converted into Mosque by Türkiye


May 15, 2024

Turkey recently announced the conversion of the ancient Byzantine church, known as Chora (Kariye), into a mosque.

President Erdogan presided over the official opening ceremony of the church, now transformed into a mosque, following extensive restoration efforts. This decision has triggered discussions and reactions both domestically and internationally, sparking debates regarding the preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of religious freedom.

Critics of the decision argue that repurposing a historically significant Christian site into a mosque contradicts Turkey’s secular principles and disregards the building’s cultural and historical importance.

Conversely, proponents of the decision stress the significance of reclaiming religious heritage and fostering Islamic identity within Turkey.

The conversion of Chora (Kariye) into a mosque underscores broader social and political dynamics within Turkey, prompting inquiries into how to reconcile religious expression with the preservation of cultural heritage.

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