
AI Expert Kai-Fu Lee Predicts AI Could Replace 50% of Jobs in the Next Three Years


Jul 9, 2024

In 2017, Kai-Fu Lee, chairman of Sinovation Ventures, predicted that artificial intelligence (AI) would become more impactful than all previous technological advances combined. He also warned that within ten years, AI might replace 50% of all human jobs.

By 2024, Lee’s prediction had proven true. AI had rapidly advanced, significantly affecting job markets, especially for white-collar jobs like office work and professional services. Many tasks once performed by humans were now being done by machines.

Lee emphasized that instead of fearing AI, people should view it as a powerful tool that can enhance productivity and drive innovation. He stressed the need to change our mindset and see AI as a complement to our skills rather than a threat.

He advised updating educational systems to prepare students for working with AI. This includes focusing on skills that machines cannot easily replicate, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving. This approach will help people prepare for a future where AI plays a major role in various aspects of life and work.

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