
A Saudi Arabian podcast episode has just snagged the Guinness World Record


Sep 10, 2024

“Secrets to Thriving Relationships” by Thmanyah, has earned the Guinness World Record for the most-watched podcast on YouTube, racking up an astounding 110 million views! This achievement has overtaken Joe Rogan’s famed interview with Elon Musk, which held the record with 68 million views over five years.

Launched in 2016, Thmanyah—Arabic for “eight”—launched its “Fnjan” podcast, named after the traditional Arabic coffee cup, symbolizing deep and personal conversations. With over 350 episodes, each averaging more than 1 million views, Thmanyah has built a strong following across the Middle East, setting the stage for this groundbreaking episode.

So, what made this episode such a hit? It featured relationship coach Yasser Al Hazimi, whose insights on self-awareness and communication struck a chord with listeners. Covering relatable topics like toxic relationships and conflict resolution, Al Hazimi’s direct and memorable advice proved highly shareable, boosting the episode’s viral potential.

The podcast’s reach wasn’t just limited to Arabic speakers—21% of viewers tuned in with English subtitles, and an impressive 74% of views came from outside Saudi Arabia, mostly from the 25-34 age group. It’s clear that a blend of impactful content, strategic presentation, and universal themes contributed to its extraordinary global appeal.pancies between billed amounts and actual meter readings, with some meter snapshots either missing or deliberately omitted.

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