
2.7 Million Pakistanis Emigrated in 5 Years, Over 1400 Daily


March 29, 2024

In the past five years, a lot of smart and skilled young people from Pakistan have decided to move to other countries for better chances in life. Around 2.7 million Pakistanis have left their homeland during this time. This situation, called “brain drain,” hasn’t stopped even though people have tried to fix the reasons behind it.

In just six months of this year, more than 400,000 talented Pakistani youths left their country. That’s on top of the huge number of 2.7 million who left over the last five years.

Experts say there are a bunch of reasons for this. The economy in Pakistan is not stable, prices keep going up, and it’s hard to find jobs. These problems aren’t just in one area—they affect young people everywhere in the country.

Looking at who’s leaving, it’s a mix of all sorts of professionals. There are accountants, engineers, doctors, teachers, and many others.

Most people are going to countries in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. But some are also choosing places like the United Kingdom, the United States, Malaysia, Greece, and Romania.

This leaving of talented people is happening all over Pakistan, from Punjab to Sindh to Balochistan. Even Islamabad and Azad Jammu and Kashmir are seeing people leave.

Even though the government is trying to fix things, smart young people keep leaving. It’s a big problem that shows we need better plans and actions to make Pakistan a good place for young people to stay and build their futures.

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